Appendix: Mosquitto Setup


Take a look at the Mosquitto Downloads page to find out howto install Mosquitto on your system. On Debian GNU/Linux it is sufficient to install Mosquitto via apt:

# apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

The mosquitto-clients package is optional but helps debugging by subscribing to MQTT topics.


You need to explicitly enable web socket access in Mosqitto and allowing anonymous MQTT (read) access is recommended:

allow_anonymous true
password_file /etc/mosquitto/
acl_file /etc/mosquitto/users.acl
listener 1883
listener 9001
protocol websockets


If SNMD is exposed to the internet you should setup a reverse proxy which enforces authentication (see also Appendix: Nginx Setup) and prevent direct MQTT access.

The ACL file /etc/mosquitto/users.acl defines subscribe and publishing access on MQTT topics. The following example allows anonymous subscribe access to all topics and publishing access for the nag2mqtt user to all topics below nagios/.

topic read #
user nag2mqtt
topic readwrite nagios/#

The users password file can be created using mosquitto_passwd command:

# touch /etc/mosquitto/
# mosquitto_passwd /etc/mosquitto/ nag2mqtt